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what is stagflation caused by

The 2024 economy got off to a bit of a limping start, growing at 1.6% compared to 3% in 2023. Business investment and consumer spending grew about 3%, however, and these are powerful economic components. They happen quite often and historically last just less than a year.

  • Powell has described today’s job market as tight “to an almost unhealthy level,” meaning a slight uptick in joblessness might be good to help alleviate inflation.
  • Phillips curve shifting to the right, indicating stagflation (higher inflation and higher unemployment.
  • Cost-push inflation results when producers are able to recoup their increased costs by increasing the price of finished products.
  • Together, these factors pushed the American economy into its first stagflation that lasted for 17 years.
  • In the latter case, growth can be hindered and recovery can take years.

The Difference Between Stagflation and Recession

Meanwhile, global economic growth slowed sharply in the 1970s—a decade marked by two different recessions in the U.S. and the lead-up to a third one that began in 1980. These last two policies raised import prices, which slowed growth. Then growth slowed even more because U.S. companies couldn’t raise prices to remain profitable. Since they couldn’t lower wages either, the only way to reduce costs was to lay off workers. Unemployment reduces consumer demand and slows economic growth. In other words, Nixon’s three attempts to boost growth and control inflation had the opposite effect.

This was the case in the 1970s when world food shortages met increased energy costs. In the 1970s, the US experienced a sharp rise in inflation due to the pressure of rising oil prices. When mergers and acquisitions are no longer politically feasible (governments clamp down with anti-monopoly rules), stagflation is used as an alternative to have higher relative profit than the competition.

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what is stagflation caused by

Of course, if stagflation could be predicted with 100% accuracy by identifying its causes, we’d simply choose to avoid it. But, like many other economic events, there’s no bulletproof formula when it comes to predicting inflationary pressure and unemployment rates in the economy — just some general catalysts that could contribute to it. For example, many people projected that inflation would spike after the financial crisis due to the government stimulus that took place — and it certainly would have made economic sense — but it didn’t happen. That’s out of the ordinary because joblessness doesn’t typically bode well for growth, and when demand takes a nosedive, so can inflation. Businesses likely push back investments; consumers are either spending less or have limited amounts of money to fund their purchases. Such concepts are at the heart of the popular theory known as the “Phillips curve,” which suggests that as unemployment falls, inflation should rise, and vice versa.

Stagflation vs. inflation

Previously, she was a fully licensed review the no-spend challenge guide financial professional at Fidelity Investments where she helped clients make more informed financial decisions every day. She has ghostwritten financial guidebooks for industry professionals and even a personal memoir. She is passionate about improving financial literacy and believes a little education can go a long way. You can connect with her on Twitter, Instagram or her website, Fixed-income investors can turn to shorter-duration bonds and Treasury inflation-protected securities (TIPS), which adjust their principal to match inflation, to minimize the impact of rising inflation. This shows how in the 1970s, the US economy faced a worse trade off- there was higher inflation and higher unemployment.


Governments may find it challenging to overcome a mixture of these issues. This is because policies aimed to reduce unemployment are likely to aggravate inflation, while actions intended to reduce inflation are likely to raise unemployment levels. Under Bretton Woods, most countries agreed to peg the value of their currencies to either the price of gold or the U.S. dollar. Purchasing power measures the value of a currency in terms of the goods and services a unit of that currency can buy. Inflation decreases the number of goods or services you can purchase for a set amount of money, lowering purchasing power. As noted above, central banks like the Federal Reserve, often referred to as the Fed, and the European Central Bank (ECB) prefer modest inflation to none at all, as insurance against destabilizing deflation.

What Investments Perform Best During Stagflation?

In the aftermath of the 2007 to 2008 Great Recession and financial crisis and until 2021, inflation mostly fell short of the Fed’s targets amid lackluster economic growth. When you’re not obligated to paying debt monthly, you will have more freedom to manage your earned income. In a period of stagflation, when prices may be rising, you need more disposable income to cover rising prices. If you Best index funds 2024 don’t have loans and credit card balances to pay monthly, then a 10% increase in food prices may be uncomfortable but still manageable. However, if you carry so much debt that your income is covering your month-to-month expenses and debt interest payments, , then a 10% increase in food prices could be really challenging.

Nixon removed the last indirect vestiges of the gold standard, bringing down the Bretton Woods system that had controlled currency exchange rates. Other theories point to monetary factors that may also play a role in stagflation. Paulus has a bachelor’s degree computer vision libraries in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston.

Whether or not the U.S. will experience another bout of stagflation remains to be seen. Haworth says that investors have been battling two headwinds—high inflation and rising interest rates—that don’t necessarily create a clearcut path for investing. While appealing, this is an ad-hoc explanation of the stagflation of the 1970s which does not explain later periods that showed a simultaneous rise in prices and unemployment. The economic theories that dominated academic and policy circles for much of the 20th century ruled it out of their models. In particular, the economic theory of the Phillips Curve, which developed in the context of Keynesian economics, portrayed macroeconomic policy as a trade-off between unemployment and inflation.

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